<![CDATA[Lauryn Gray Illustration - Extended Essay]]>Tue, 31 May 2022 05:34:13 +0100Weebly<![CDATA[Research.]]>Thu, 07 Oct 2021 08:43:10 GMThttp://lauryngray.grillust.uk/extended-essay/researchNotes from Nick.
In regard to your dissertation proposal — an essay focusing on the longstanding 'Barbie doll', exploring issues around gender identity, gender roles, gender performance and play — sounds fascinating. What is the continuing appeal of Barbie? Why is the doll such an iconic totem? The approach signalled here, in the choice of academic tests, is suitably formal and the subject appears nicely focused but try to stay steer away from a chronological, 'throughout time' approach (which is suggested in the working title). How can you be more inventive in your approach?

  Starting out. Some basic initial questions to ask yourself at this point: What interests you about the Barbie theme?, why is Barbie see as such an iconic design/artefact? What do you want to find out? What is the argument you want to pursue? How can you approach this subject objectively, critically and analytically? 

Secondly  Scope. How can you make your task more manageable? By setting some restraints on what you will and won't cover, it will make your task a lot easier (and ultimately more enjoyable to research and write)Remember that you only have 4000 wds (+/- 10%) at your disposal and must adhere to the word-count. Some suggestions for lines of inquiry:

i) The current reinvention or reappropriation of Barbie mentioned in your outline — exploring the progressive/regressive debate?

ii) The link between play and gender performance (mentioned in one of your key texts) using Barbie as a case-study?

iii) Barbie and body-image?

iv) Comparison of two cultural time-periods via semiotics analysis of Barbie advertising/design.

Thirdly — primary research. There may be opportunities here for interviews/surveys (as long as your criteria for analysis is clearly stated). Be careful with surveys — if done well and with a clear purpose, they can be very useful. If done badly they can waste time and yield poor results.

Lastly. Key to writing a good essay is knowing your subject. Your proposal mentions some useful critical sources which are a good place to start. Look to expand your reading list in line with your thinking - explore the limits of One Search and Google Scholar and see what you find out. Look to use the next three months to make headway on the research and get some solid reading done (use your 'critical' blog as a sounding board and collection point for your findings).

One Search Essay Pins.
